Monday, October 3, 2011

Ishtar - Comme Toi, Buddha Bar IV


French (Original)

Elle avait les yeux clairs et la robe en velours
cot de sa mere et la famille autour
Elle pose un peu distraite au doux soleil de la fin du jour
La photo n'est pas bonne mais l'on peut y voir
Le bonheur en personne et la douceur d'un soir
Elle aimait la musique surtout Schuman et puis Mozart

Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi
Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi

Elle allait l'cole au village d'en bas
Elle apprenait les livres elle apprenait les lois
Elle chantait les grenouilles et les princesses qui dorment au bois
Elle aimait sa poupe elle aimait ses amis
Surtout Ruth et Anna et surtout Jeremie
Et ils se marieraient un jour peut-etre Varsovie

Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi
Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi
Comme toi que je regarde tout bas
Comme toi qui dort en revant quoi
Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi


Elle s'appelait Sarah elle n'avait pas huit ans
Sa vie c'tait douceur reves et nuages blancs
Mais d'autres gens en avaient decide autrement

Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi
Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi
Comme toi que je regarde tout bas
Comme toi qui dort en revant quoi
Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi

Elle avait tes yeux clairs et elle avait ton age
C'tait une petite fille sans histoires et tres sage
Mais elle n'est pas ne comme toi ici et maintenant

English (Translation)
She had clear eyes and a velvet robe
Besides her mother and the family around her
She stood while she's a little distracted in the soft sunlight at the end of the day
The picture is not so good, but one can see
The happiness itself there and the evening's softness
She loved music, especially Schumann and then Mozart

As you do as you do as you do (x3)

She went to the school from the village below
She learned the books she learned the laws
She sang about frogs and princesses that sleep in the woods
She loved her doll she loved her friends
Especially Ruth and Anna but especially Jeremiah
Maybe they marry one day in Warsaw

As you are as you are as you are
As you are as you are as you are
As you are while I am looking down at you
As you are while sleeping and dreaming of whom?
As you are as you are as you are

Days passed by in the innocence time
In it was her sole love

Her name was Sarah she was not even eight years old
Her life was soft dreams and white clouds
But other people had decided otherwise

As you are as you are as you are
As you are as you are as you are
As you are while I am looking down at you
As you are while sleeping and dreaming of whom?
As you are as you are as you are

She had your clear eyes and she was your age
She was a little girl without history and very wise
But she was not born like you here and now ...

Hess Is More - Yes Boss, Buddha Bar IX (9)


English (original)
Hello sweetpie
I`m really glad you could make it
I think we should get straight to business
Show me what you`ve got
It`s all yours

Yes boss
I`m on the mic
I`ll try to give you what you like
I can be soft
I can be hot
Let me do the B part
Please, please

Sugar, sugar
So close and yet so far
I would love to take you to the B part
But I`m afraid we`re not quit there yet
So darling
Grab that mic again and give your best shot

Yes boss
I`m on the mic
I`ll try to give you what you like
I can be soft
I can be hot
Let me do the B part
Please, please

Oh yeah
That`s what I call sweet music
I really like what you`re doing here
Yet I think you gonna have to work a little harder baby
Just a little harder

Yes boss
I`m on the mic
I`ll try to give you what you like
I can be soft
I can be hot
Let me do the B part
Please, please

Oh yeah
Way to go
Now we are really getting somewhere
It`s getting hot in here
Hit me baby
Hit me one more time

Yes boss
I`m on the mic
I`ll try to give you what you like
I can be soft
I can be hot
Let me do the B part
Please, please

O la la
I thïnk you got me there baby
Come along
Come along baby
Here comes the B part...

Nino - Amor Amor, Buddha Bar II


Spanish (original)
Amor, ya no corre sangre por mis venas
Amor, las cosas de la vida nos separaron
Amor, eres el sol que alumbra mi memoria,
Eres mía, me siento solito, abandonado del mundo.

Te necesito, yo te quiero,
Mi vida sin ti es un desierto,
Amor, amor, amor.

Amor, tu eres la estrella de mi cielo
Amor, quiero amarte con todo mi sentimiento,
Si, todo,
Amor, de terciopelo son tus caricias, tus caricias,
Te entrego
Te doy el amor que yo tengo muy dentro.

Te necesito, yo te quiero,
Mi vida sin ti es un desierto
Amor, amor, amor.

Amor eterno a mi lado,
Amor, contigo, contigo...
Amor, te doy mi amor.

Te necesito, yo te quiero,
Mi vida sin ti es un desierto

English (Translation)
My love, there´s no blood running through my veins
My love, troubles in life set us apart

My love, you are the sun which shines in my memory,
You are mine, I feel lonely, abandoned by the world

I need you, I love you
My life without you is like a desert
My love, my love, my love

My love, you're the star of my sky
I want to love you with all my feelings
Yes, with all my feelings
My love, your caresses feel like velvet
I am giving you all my love I feel for you, deep inside me

I need you, I love you
My life without you is like a desert
My love, my love, my love ...

Eternal love beside me,
My love, with you, with you
My love, I give you my love

I need you, I love you,
My life without you is like a desert,
My love!

Bliss - Wish You Were Here, Spirit of Buddha Bar


English (original)
Like waves to the shore
Part of the ocean
The stars high above
Part of the sky

Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there

Wish you were here..

Like the air that I breathe
You'll always be there
The wings that I need
When I wanna fly

Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there

Wish you were here..

Amanaska - Wonder of the Storm, Buddha Bar Ocean


English (original)
Clouds keep on rising
The world keeps on spinning
Dreams keep us flying
And hate keeps us dying
Drift in the wind and rain
Feel the blood in your veins
See the seagull fly
And hear Heaven's cry
See the rainbow as summer rain starts to fall
Hear the wind blow feeling colder through my warmth
Give me shelter keep me safe and keep me warm
Just hold me close and feel the wonder of the storm

Bardo State - Sospiro, Buddha Bar IX (9)


Italian (original)

Io v'amo sol perchè voi siete bella
Non ch'io speri da voi, dolce mio bene
Per voi sospiri, per voi sospiri
Cor ristaura 

Anima Sound System - 68, Buddha Bar I (1)


Hungarian (original)
Azt mondja hallod, hangod túl kemény.
Azt mondja halkan, ha a nap véget ér.
Ne fekete-fehéret dúdolj, színeset!
Szabadot, szépet, szépet, fényeset.

Azt mondja hallod, szíved túl nehéz.
Azt mondja táncolj, míg a nap véget ér.
Senki nem hallja, hogy nem is akarja, hallani.
Senki nem érti, senki nem érzi.

Azt mondja hallod, szíved túl nehéz.
Azt mondja táncolj, míg a nap véget ér.
Senki nem hallja, hogy nem is akarja, hallani.
Senki nem érti, senki nem érzi.

Senki nem hallja, hogy nem is akarja, hallani.
Senki nem érti, senki nem érzi.

Azt mondja hallod, szíved túl nehéz.
Azt mondja táncolj, míg a nap véget ér.
Senki nem hallja, hogy nem is akarja, hallani.
Senki nem érti, senki nem érzi.

English (translation)
You say you hear your voice too hard.
He says softly, when the day ends.
Dúdolj not black and white, colored!
Free, beautiful, beautiful light.

You say you hear your heart is too heavy.
He says, dance, and the day ends.
No one can learn that not even want to hear.
No one understands, no one feels.

You say you hear your heart is too heavy.
He says, dance, and the day ends.
No one can learn that not even want to hear.
No one understands, no one feels.

No one can learn that not even want to hear.
No one understands, no one feels.

You say you hear your heart is too heavy.
He says, dance, and the day ends.
No one can learn that not even want to hear.
No one understands, no one feels.

Outsized - Karma (Extended Mix), Buddha Bar IV


English (original)
All Buddhas of the past, present and future
Buddha of compassion
Please hear my anguished words of truth
Karma, in an ocean of joy
They are drunk with demonic delusions
What is right and what is wrong?
What is right and what is wrong?
Bodhisattvas, an ocean of measureless qualities
Let the might of your compassion rise to bring a quick end,
to the flowing stream of the blood and tears.
Buddha of compassion
What is right and what is wrong?
In an ocean of joy
What is right and what is wrong?
Our most cherished and long felt desire
Buddha of compassion
Please hear my anguished words of truth

Oliver Shanti - Sacral Nirvana, Buddha Bar III (3)


English (original)
Born to be free
Land of the monasteries
Free land under the sky
In universal understanding
No limitations!
Bodhisattvas, come with all your wisdom

Laidback - Happy Dreamer, Buddha Bar VII (7)


English (original)
I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in love
I'm a happy dreamer
Guess I'm not the only one
I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in you and me
I'm a happy dreamer

I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in love
I'm a happy dreamer
Guided by the stars above
I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in love can change the world
Oh, yeah

I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in love
I'm a happy dreamer
Looking out for the sun
I'm a happy dreamer
I believe in love can change the world 

Attaboy - New World, Buddha Bar II (2)


English (original)
It's a new world
Since I found you
These are new eyes
That I see through

But it's clearer now
I can hear the sound
Always living giving for a brighter day
Living giving through the day

Across my mind
Seeing figures in the sky
Always living giving for a brighter day
Living giving through the day

It's a new world
Since I found you
These are new eyes
That i see through

Rollercone - Daydreaming, Buddha Bar II (2)


English (original)
So tell me now about yourself
Well there' s nothing to tell
That sounds mysterious
I don't mean to sound that way
You seem like a man with a lot of experience
Do i?
Somehow ...very thoughtful...deep
What time is it?
It's almost morning
I am glad you stayed
It's true that you never told a lie?
No I've told many lies
Because I felt it will make things easier,
And it didn't?
No, they just made things worse

Free now from oppression
Free now from oppression

I think its very interesting when people do
and when they do something that they love
because when you do something that you love
no matter what it is
and you do something that you love
You do it well
and ahh
when you do something you love
then you love to finish just full
and do complete and just full
a thing
cause then you know what
there is not too much
no there is not too much
its .. pointless.. 

(spanish part)

After a while i am gonna plant
All different kinds of trees: eucalyptus, japanese maples, mademoiselles, olive trees...

Instinct, space, preservation, survival, evolution, logic, time, method, beginning, reasons, perception, movement, elegance, questions, systems, approach, poetry, flaws, concrete, life goes on, realization, certitude, traveling, pathways, adaptations...dreams...

Expression, revolution, harming, overcoming, response, concrete, the planets and the stars, faith, oceans, still point, conflict, stones, gifts, silence.. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gotan Project - Una Música Brutal, Buddha Bar IV (4)

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Descubrimos vos y yo
en el triste carnaval
una música brutal
melodías de dolor
Despertamos vos y yo
y en el lento divagar
una música brutal
encendió nuestra pasión
Dame tu calor
bébete mi amor

English (translation)
We discovered you and I
In the sad carnaval
A brutal music
We awoke you and I
and in a slow digress
A brutal music
It aroused new passion
Give me your heat
Drink my love

Aria - Un Bel Di, Buddha Bar I (1)

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Italian (original)
Un bel dì, vedremo
levarsi un fil di fumo
sull'estremo confin del mare.
E poi la nave appare.
Poi la nave bianca
entra nel porto,
romba il suo saluto.
Vedi? È venuto!
Io non gli scendo incontro. Io no.
Mi metto là sul ciglio del colle e aspetto,
e aspetto gran tempo
e non mi pesa,
la lunga attesa.

E uscito dalla folla cittadina,
un uomo, un picciol punto
s'avvia per la collina.
Chi sarà? chi sarà?
E come sarà giunto
che dirà? che dirà?
Chiamerà Butterfly dalla lontana.
Io senza dar risposta
me ne starò nascosta
un po' per celia
e un po' per non morire
al primo incontro;
ed egli alquanto in pena
chiamerà, chiamerà:
"Piccina mogliettina,
olezzo di verbena"
i nomi che mi dava al suo venire.
(a Suzuki)
Tutto questo avverrà,
te lo prometto.
Tienti la tua paura,
io con sicura fede l'aspetto.

English (translation)
One good day, we will see
Arising a strand of smoke
Over the far horizon on the sea
And then the ship appears
And then the ship is white
It enters into the port, it rumbles its salute.
Do you see it? He is coming!
I don't go down to meet him, not I.
I stay upon the edge of the hill
And I wait a long time
but I do not grow weary of the long wait.

And leaving from the crowded city,
A man, a little speck
Climbing the hill.
Who is it? Who is it?
And as he arrives
What will he say? What will he say?
He will call Butterfly from the distance
I without answering
Stay hidden
A little to tease him,
A little as to not die.
At the first meeting,
And then a little troubled
He will call, he will call
"Little one, dear wife
Blossom of orange"
The names he called me at his last coming.
All this will happen,
I promise you this
Hold back your fears -
I with secure faith wait for him.

Pink Martini - La Soledad, Buddha Bar I (1)

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Spanish (original)
Viniste a mi
Como poesia en la cancion
Un nuevo mundo de pasion
Sin egoismo y sin razon
Mas sin saber
Que era el amor
Yo protegi mi corazon
El sol se fue
Y yo cantando tu cancion
La soledad
Se aduena de toda emocion
Si el miedo robo mi ilusion
Viniste a mi
No supe amar
Y solo queda esta cancion
Viniste a mi
Como poesia en la cancion
Un nuevo mundo de pasion
Sin egoismo y sin razon
Mas sin saber
Que era el amor
Yo protegi mi corazon
El sol se fue
Y yo cantando tu cancion
La soledad
Se aduena de toda emocion
Si el miedo robo mi ilusion
Viniste a mi
No supe amar
Y solo queda esta cancion

Zohar - The Merciful One, Buddha Bar I (1)

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  • Arabic (original)

Unknown lyrics

Do you know them?

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Sina Vodjani - Straight to the Heart, Buddha Bar I (1)

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  • Tibetan (original)

Unknown lyrics

The lyrics come from mantras from H.H.The 17th Karmapa, the spiritual head of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

Do you know them?

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Los Tres Ases - Historia De Un Amor, Buddha Bar IV (4)

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Spanish (original)
Ya no estas mas a mi lado corazon,
y en el alma solo tengo soledad,
y si ya no puedo verte,
porque dios mi hizo quererte,
para hacerme sufrir mas.

Siempre fuiste la razon de mi existir,
adorarte para mi fue religion,
en tus brazos encontraba,
el amor que me brindabas,
el calor de tu pasion.

Es la historia de un amor,
como no hay otro igual,
que me hizo comprender,
todo el bien, todo el mal.

Aue le dio luz a mi vida,
Apagandola despues,
Ay! que vida tan obscura,
Sin tu amor no vivire.

Ya no estas mas a mi lado corazon,
y en el alma solo tengo soledad,
y si ya no puedo verte,
porque dios mi hizo quererte,
para hacerme sufrir mas.

Es la historia de un amor,
como no hay otro igual,
que me hizo comprender,
todo el bien, todo el mal.

Que le dio luz a mi vida,
Apagandola despues,
Ay! que vida tan obscura,
Sin tu amor no vivire.

Ya no estas mas a mi lado corazon,
y en el alma solo tengo soledad,
y si ya no puedo verte,
porque dios mi hizo quererte,
para hacerme sufrir mas, sufrir mas, sufrir mas ...

English (translation)
Your not by my side now my love
In my soul I only have darkness
And if I can’t see you now
Why did god make me love you
To make me suffer more

You were always the reason for my existence
Adoring you, for me, was a religion
And in your kisses I found
The love that gave me
The love and the passion

It's the story of a love
Like none that will ever again be
That made me understand
All the good and all the bad

That gave light to my life
Turning it off again
Oh what a life so dark
Without your love I cannot live

Your not by my side now my love
In my soul I only have darkness
And if I can’t see you now
Why did god make me love you
To make me suffer more

You were always the reason for my existence
Adoring you, for me, was a religion
And in your kisses I found
The love that gave me
The love and the passion

It's the story of a love
Like none that will ever again be
That made me understand
All the good and all the bad

That gave light to my life
Turning it off again
Oh what a life so dark
Without your love I cannot live.

Your not by my side now my love
In my soul I only have darkness
And if I can’t see you now
Why did god make me love you
To make me suffer more, suffer more, suffer more ...

Zehava Ben - What Will Be, Buddha Bar I (1)

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Hebrew (original)
Ma yihiye?
Ma yihiye? Hi oto sha’ala
Ru’ach kadim nashva la
Hachom ala
Ma yihiye?
Ma yihiye? Hu ota az sha’al
Eretz gdola bachta la
Hachom tzalal
Az ma?
Az ma yihiye sofenu kan bichlal?
Hen hachayim kashim,
Hem ke’admat trashim
Az ma?
Az ma yihiye sofenu ha’umlal,
Kan bein sil’ey hahar,
Bein hamatok lamar?
Ma yihiye?
Ma yihiye, elohim hanora?
Ko atzuvim chayenu,
Ubochim mara.
Ma yihiye?
Ma yihiye, elohim? Terachem
Bo hitpalel aleinu

English (translation)
What will be?
What will be? She asked him
An eastern wind blew
The heat increased
What will be?
What will be? He then asked her
A great land cried for her
The heat declined
Well what?
Well, what will be our end here anyway?
For life is hard like a rocky ground
Well what?
Well, what will be our miserable end,
Here among the mountain’s stones,
Between sweet and bitter?
What will be?
What will be, O awful god?
Life is so sad
Our cry is bitter
What will be?
What will be, god? Have mercy
Come pray for us
Console us
Well what?...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Touch & Go - Straight To Number One, Buddha Bar VI (CD1 - Rebirth) (6)

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English (Original)
Kiss me on the lips
Run your fingers through my hair
Touch me...slowly
Hold it, let's go straight to number one
To number one
Number one
To number one


Hold it, let's go straight to number one
To number one
Number one
To number one

Kiss me on the lips
Run your fingers through my hair
Touch me
Let's go straight,
To number one
To number one
Number one
To number one
Touch & Go

Manuel Franjo - Tiempo, Buddha Bar IV CD 1 (Dinner) (1)

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Spanish (Original)
No dejes que el tiempo,
 Te ayude a olvidar nuestro amor,
 A olvidar el calor.
 De ten el momento
Las horas te alejan de mí,
Ya el silencio esta aquí.
Por tu amor
El sol se alzado cada amanecer,
Las noches me han cubierto con placer,
Mis ojos descubrieron el color,
Por ti...
Si te vas…
Mi cuerpo no podría ya respirar,
Mis días se llenarían de soledad,
Ya nada importaría si no estas
Sin ti…
Ya no hay tiempo
No queda más tiempo,
Escucha el dolor en mi voz,
El silencio entre los dos,
Tiempo, tiempo… 
Por tu amor
El sol se alzado cada amanecer,
Las noches me han cubierto con placer,
Mis ojos descubrieron el color,
Por ti...
Si te vas…
Mi cuerpo no podría ya respirar,
Mis días se llenarían de soledad,
Ya nada importaría si no estas
Sin ti…
Ya no hay tiempo…
Me dicen que el tiempo,
Ayuda a olvidar el dolor,
A olvidar el amor…
Tiempo, tiempo, tiempo…

English (Translation)

Don't let the time,
Help you to forget our love.
to forget the warmth.
Stop the moment
The hours take you away from me
Now the silence is here
Because of your love
The sun rised each dawn
The nights had me filled with pleasure
My eyes discovered color
For you
If you go
My body will no longer be able to breathe
My days will be filled with solidarity.
Now nothing matters if you are not here
Without you...
Now there is no time
There remains no more time
Listen to the pain in my voice,
The silence between us,
Time, time..
for your love
The sun rised each dawn
The nights had me filled with pleasure
My eyes discovered color
For you
If you go
My body will no longer be able to breathe
My days will be filled with solidarity.
Now nothing matters if you are not here
Without you...
Now there is no time.
They told me about the time,
Helps to forget the pain,
To forget the love
Time, time, time...